The Sexiest Denomination
Yesterday evening, I attended a session offered by the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley on "hard issues" (such as Christianity in relation to wealth, patriotism, new life and death--which I assume encompasses abortion). Yesterday, the topic was Christianity and human sexuality. It's fairly interactive, with the attendees asking the pastor leading the session any questions they might have, or sharing any information that they think pertinent.
In response to the pastor's statement, "We just don't say, 'Presbyterians are sexy.' It's just not something you hear," one guy asked:
"So, in your opinion, which do you think is the sexiest denomination?"
The pastor's vote went to the Roman Catholics. His reason? According to him, the Roman Catholic church has done a better job of incoporating and recognising the body and bodily experiences (like child-bearing) in the role of faith and worship.
I'm not sure if I understood him entirely. But any thoughts? Or any other nominees for the SEXIEST DENOMINATION?