The Circulation of Hippopotami
One thing that I do like about Berkeley is the presence of quietly eccentric people in the area. By "quietly eccentric people", I mean people whose eccentricity
1. doesn't involve threatening or insulting anyone
2. doesn't involve detaining anyone in conversation for an overly lengthy period of time
3. doesn't involve being pushy and obnoxious
So, an example of a non-quietly eccentric person would be the old guy who detained Justin and me at Indian Rock in a one-sided conversation about how he had to carry the burden of recycling properly in the neighbourhood, how all his old friends had gotten rich and established and couldn't be bothered to care about such things anymore, and how I was Asian and so was his wife. This was at night and he did this all while holding a very large stick in his hands (which he was using as a walking-staff).
An example of a quietly eccentric person would be the old guy who walks around Berkeley with a feather in his cap and a backpack with a sign on it reading, "If you need someone to talk to" or something like that. Just a quiet invitation for the curious, and perhaps the lonely.
I would even class the little old Asian man who sometimes stands on a box on Bancroft and Telegraph yelling "Happy, happy, happy" while holding signage that reads, "Bush is the devil" as borderline quietly eccentric. He's far less pushy than the undergrads who inform you that you don't care about Earth's future and you're an enemy of mankind if you don't sign their petition.
The most recent encounter I've had with a quietly eccentric person was in the check-out line at the produce market I go to. A friend had already told me of "the guy who gives out little plastic animals" who frequents that market, but I'd forgotten about it until the old guy in front of me whispered, "Psst," and discreetly held out to me a little plastic hippo (pictured below).
Front View
Does this mean that I support the widespread usage of plastic hippopotami as a medium of currency?
"Bush is the Devil" as summary for the happy happy happy guy's bizarre Mallarme-esque symbolist masterpiece of a sign? No way; that's like summarizing Ulysses as "A bunch of scatalogical whining about his wife and dead kid." No, the happy happy happy man is a poet and his muse runs deep and rich. Don't try to censor him.
That's not a bad summary for Ulysses. ...uh...just kidding. Don't tell my orals committee!
On an entirely different note, when and how did you become interested in "Chocolate and Zucchini"? I browsed her site briefly, and I love it! I will have to introduce her stuff to my friend who is half French.
I went through a phase of browsing food blogs when I found out that they had really interesting and off-beat recipes on them! This phase occurred (and is still occurring) in the midst of studying for orals, when I needed a break from reading words which involved narrative and metaphors.
Another really good food blog is
Amusing stories of quietly eccentric people in Berkeley. Sometimes I wonder if any of my friends or maybe even I would turn into an quietly eccentric person if we reside in Berkeley long enough...interesting thought. Hm...
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