Brainstrummings from a Bug-Eyed Bookworm

Tiff is a PhD student in English literature at UC-Berkeley. She takes no prisoners, bars no holds, holds no bars.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

When I Grow Up, I Want To Be....

An ongoing conversation with someone has recently set my mind wandering on thoughts of my dream occupation. Ideally, it would be something that combines all of what I love to do and who I want to be. It wouldn't have to involve riches or fame. After all, I am a simple person, and don't need much in order to be happy. I thought to myself: I wouldn't mind eking out a humble and modest existence as a (fill in blank here). But the question is, with what shall I fill that blank?

So after some idle pondering, I've decided that when I grow up, I would like to be a master-baker entomologist literary critic and ninja.

Working life would go something like this:

Tiff sits in a comfortable armchair in her office, which has gigantic windows overlooking the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Her air-conditioned office is located in a spacious and rustic log-cabin in the middle of a tropical rainforest. Tiff is reading a novel by Joseph Conrad. Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

Tiff: (looking up from book) Come in.

A petite bookish-looking elf enters from the bakery directly adjacent to Tiff’s office. He has pointy ears, is dressed in a three-piece suit and a baker’s apron. He is also wearing horn-rimmed glasses and carrying a memo-pad.

Tiff: Ah, Glintwing. What news?

Glintwing: Just a few things. (Peers through horn-rimmed glasses at memo-pad) Firstly, we’re fresh out of your world-famous chocolate chip baguettes.

Tiff: What? But we baked double the usual quantity just this morning!

Glintwing: Well, we’re fresh out. And we’re also out of grasshopper pie.

Tiff: It’s nearing the end of grasshopper season. We’ll have to discontinue it until spring.

Glintwing: (peering at the novel Tiff is holding in her hands) If you don’t mind my asking, Tiff, what are you reading?

Tiff: Oh. It’s a Joseph Conrad novel.

Glintwing: Victory? Heart of Darkness?

Tiff: No. It’s a Conrad novel hitherto undiscovered and unread by the world. It’s a funny story, really. It was handed to me by a mysterious elderly librarian behind the counter of a small town public library. With a twinkle in his eye, he passed me a brown paper package tied up with string, and then vanished into mid-air! In the aforementioned package was this very book! And from an initial reading, it appears to contain the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

Glintwing: Forty-two?

Tiff: Ah, my petite and delicately-boned friend and employee. If you want to find out, you’ll have to read it for yourself, along with the essential critical handbook I will publish to accompany its publication debut.

Glintwing: I look forward to it very much! Oh! Just a few more things. Your gnomes have managed to capture Emeril. He’s in a big burlap sack out back.

Tiff: Excellent. Take him down to cell block B and break his spirit until he can longer annoy innocent Food Network watchers ever again.

Glintwing: (peers at list again). Also, Homi Bhabha is outside. He wishes to apologise in general for being an arrogant megalomaniac and to shower you with acclaim.

Tiff: Hmm. Not really feeling up to it today. Tell him to try coming back tomorrow.

Tiff yawns and stretches. And as she does so, a magnificent orange and purple longhorn beetle springs through the window and lands softly on the palm of her hand.

Tiff: Ah! A particularly striking new species of Cerambycid! (She gently closes her hand around it.) My little friend, I shall put you in the freezer and then pin, name, and publish a paper on you.

Glintwing freezes with a look of horror on his face.

Tiff: No, not you Glintwing. The beetle.

Glintwing: (looking relieved). Well then, I’d better get back to the store, and see what I can do about the baguette-demanding customers.

Tiff: Thank you, Glintwing.

Glintwing exits, and Tiff returns to her novel. Just then, an alarm clock rings, playing the Anvil Chorus from Verdi’s Il Trovatore.

Tiff: (shuts book). How quickly time flies!! I must now go fight the forces of evil in a stealthy manner.

Tiff dons form-fitting black clothes, outfits herself with throwing-stars and a sharp sword, and leaps lightly through the window, springing from tree to tree as nimbly as a black-clad ninja tree-frog.


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, do I want that Anvil Chorus alarm clock!

Oh, and according to your new photo you have undergone a metamorphosis that (as usual) I've been too near-sighted to notice while inhabiting the same apartment. Oops.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger GT Foodies said...

Sigh. Metamorphoses do indeed happen unexpectedly to the best of us! Just to let you know in advance, I'll be dying in the fall as per usual mantis existence, so you might want to start hunting around for a new flatmate.

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you seriously like to live in the Sierra Nevadas? Because that can be arranged...

At 10:32 PM, Blogger GT Foodies said...

Only if there's a tropical rainforest adjacent to it. Just kidding. Well, ideally, any place close to beautiful (but perilous) nature would be nice, but as my best friend's little brother so wisely says:

Aim low. So low that you'll never be disappointed and that no one else will even care.

And we all know what a good idea it is to structure your life philosophy around what your best friend's little brother tells you.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your fantasy life. It got me dreaming about mine...! : p


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