Holiday Snapshots!
This past week, PM and I took a road trip to Northern North California and Southern Oregon.
The diversity of climate and landscape that we saw was...diverse! This trip only confirmed what past excursions into nature have already confirmed.
1. People build cool things. But God totally whups our to speak.
2. Urban life is overrated, and perhaps when I'm old and grizzled I shall move into the mountains, live in a cabin, and raise bees.
We visited Lassen National Park (famed for its past volcanic activity), drove through Mt. Shasta National Park (it was a rainy and cloudy day), visited Fort Rock (in Southern Oregon, right on the border where the pine-trees stop and desert desolation begins), and then went to Crater Lake National Park (big lake formed by big volcano losing its cool).
(From back to front). Mountain. Forest. Meadow. Brook.
Hot Springs (behind hot guy).
Desert. (Green bits are patches of irrigated farmland).
Island in the middle of (Crater) Lake.
Fossilised Volcanic Vents (called Fumaroles).
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